PLAR for mature students

As a result of broader life experiences of mature students, the requirements concerning the application of PLAR procedures are different for them than for regular day school students. Principals will determine the number of credits, including compulsory credits, that a mature student needs in order to meet the credits requirements for the OSSD. At the discretion of the principal,, up to sixteen (16) grade 9 and 10 equivalency credits may be granted to the mature student following an individual assessment.
Mature students may earn ten (10) of the remaining fourteen (14) remaining grades 11 and 12 credits needed to meet the diploma requirements in one of three ways:
- They may demonstrate achievement of the required secondary school curriculum expectations and receive the credit through the challenge process.
- They may present education and/or training credentials for assessment through the equivalency process.
- They may take the course.
It should be noted that levels 2 and 3 in classical languages are equivalent to Grades 11 and 12 respectively. Levels 3 and 4 in international languages are equivalent to grades 11 and 12 respectively.
Mature students must earn a minimum of four (4) grade 11 and 12 credits by taking the course(s) at a secondary school. Mature students that have previously accumulated 26 or more credits towards their diploma must successfully complete the required number of courses to bring their total number of credits to 30 before they will be eligible to receive the OSSD.
Mature students working towards OSSD must also satisfy the diploma requirements of literacy and community service. PPM No. 132 outlines in detail the PLAR policy and requirements that apply to mature students.